Sarah's approval rating has hit an all-time low at 53 percent. 38 percent of people polled in the USA Today/Gallup poll approved of her. The thing that is amazing to me is that 38 percent of people actually approved of her. How could you possible approve of her or have a favorable opinion of her. I don't know if you saw her appearance on Hannity, but she vowed that she will not speaking her mind. That means more idiotic rhetoric is coming at us with no specific ideas.
This says it all, courtesy of Gregg Easterbrook:
'On the right, Sarah Plain -- referring to herself as "we" -- denied that her rifle-crosshairs-graphic showing the congressional district of Rep. Gabriella Giffords was reckless, then declared that "journalists and pundits" who call attention to her crosshairs graphic cause "hatred and violence." So Palin need not apologize for using a bull's-eye graphic, but anyone who points out Palin's own action is inciting violence. This is incoherent even by the low standards of contemporary politics.'
This may seem positive on its surface yet it's very scary. It indicates a division in the body politic that should serve as a warning. How do knowledgeable people convince these fearful population of the danger presented by Sarah Palin.
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