Monday, January 31, 2011

Tracy Morgan Got One Thing Right

Tracy Morgan is catching a lot of flak about his comments about Sarah being a MILF. While that was probably a pretty unfortunate thing for him to say, what's the big deal? Compared to the destructive, dangerous, and idiotic things she says, how does it even compare. Sarah is popular with white males particularly because she is a MILF and certainly not because of any of her ideas. She should be thankful that she has good looks, because that is the only reason anyone knows about who she is.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Sarah's Emails

Alaska State Attorney General John Burns, has announced that Sarah's and the First Dude's emails will be released from her time as Governor by May 31st. This should be very interesting and it may well be incriminating for Sarah the diva. Can you imagine some of the ignorant emails she may have sent? How about the emails that were probably blatant abuse of power?

This is going to be great to see her squirm when these are released.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

No Sarah February or Ever

I would like to take a minute and honor a man who positively influenced my life and millions of others. I was sad to see Jack LaLanne pass away this week and I thank him for his contributions to nutrition and fitness.

Now, let me focus on someone who isn't a positive influence, Sarah Palin. Dana Milbank of the Washington Post is calling for a moratorium on mentioning Sarah in the month of February. A Sarah free February is a good start, but how about a Sarah free world going forward period. It will never happen as she is the traffic accident that the media can't look away from. Her pompous, arrogant, and stupid rhetoric will indeed continue, but it is our job to make sure she never holds office ever again. Not as a city council member, a mayor, a governor, a congress member, and certainly not as president.

Dumber face on Sarah or the fish?

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Bad News for Sarah is Good News For Us

Have you ever noticed that bad news for Sarah is good news for the general public? The recent Straw Poll in New Hampshire for Republican candidates in the the upcoming election had her finishing fourth with a meager 7% of the vote. Mitt Romney dominated the vote with 35%. At least with Romney you can say he is an intelligent and successful businessman. Sarah is neither intelligent or successful as a business person. All that she is successful at is being a celebrity and making money as an inflammatory soundbite Nazi. Here is to more bad news for this dense woman.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Sarah's Approval Rating

Sarah's approval rating has hit an all-time low at 53 percent. 38 percent of people polled in the USA Today/Gallup poll approved of her. The thing that is amazing to me is that 38 percent of people actually approved of her. How could you possible approve of her or have a favorable opinion of her. I don't know if you saw her appearance on Hannity, but she vowed that she will not speaking her mind. That means more idiotic rhetoric is coming at us with no specific ideas.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Take a Hint Sarah

Apparently Sarah has pulled her stupid video claiming "blood libel". Probably a good idea as it made you look like a bigger fool than you already do. We at Squash Sarah, hope that this is the final straw that will end all talk and possibility of her running for office. She is not the sharpest knife in the drawer, so time will tell if she will take a hint, but it would be a good time for you to disappear Sarah. Unfortunately, I don't think she will as her self centered, egotistical self wants to continue to be a celebrity. Was it eating you up when Bristol was on Dancing With The Stars?

The only people who think you are clever is your ignorant right wing base.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Sarah's Gun Fixation

What is Sarah's fixation with Guns? She will be the keynote speaker at the upcoming Safari Club International's annual hunter's convention in Reno. This seems to be one of her primary causes. I personally think the second amendment should be revised as it is not critical for everyone to have the right to carry a firearm. Is it really necessary for her to be able to kill things? Maybe if you didn't push guns so much along with other right wingers, then we wouldn't have as much senseless violence and accidental shootings. Crazies like Palin will argue that guns don't lead to senseless shootings and most people use their weapons responsibly. That may be true, but tell that to all the families who had loved ones die in Arizona. Your fixation on guns is another reason that you are dangerous.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Sarah Palin Responds to Gabriell Giffords Shooting, Claims "Blood Libel"...

You are libel Sarah, don't try and push the blame elsewhere.

Sarah Puts Foot Back In Mouth

Blood Libel? Are you kidding me Sarah? Do you know what that means or how offensive that is?

I assume she probably doesn't even know what it means as she usually can plead ignorance on almost anything. Her whole video was really very self centered and defensive as opposed to recognizing that we need civil discourse. On top of that she added the offensive "Blood Libel" into the mix and has made things worse for herself. Please just shut your mouth Sarah and stop making comments that are inflammatory and dangerous. That would be a good start.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Inciting the Masses-Arizona tragedy

Sarah's quote that she emailed Glenn Beck, "I hate violence. I hate war. Our children will not have peace if politicos just capitalize on this to succeed in portraying anyone as inciting terror and violence." If this is truly how someone feels than why would you put crosshairs on the map? Why would you tell people to reload? Typically one reloads a gun, so they can shoot it. Am I wrong? I am not trying to infringe upon anyone's second amendment rights, but those are inflammatory statements Sarah. The problem is she likes to say things that make the crowd react and often times gives no thought to the consequences.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Take Back the 20-Violence in Arizona

With the tragedy that just occurred in Arizona with Democrat Gabrielle Giffords, you can certainly point some of the blame to our favorite ignoramous Sarah Palin. "Don't retreat! Instead - RELOAD!", was Sarah's quote putting crosshairs of a gun sight over Giffords district. These type of irresponsible comments by Sarah, can impact and lead to these type of terrible tragedies. Sarah wanted to get Giffords out because she supported the health care bill. Regardless of what you feel about that bill, it is criminal to incite violence over it. There is blood on your alleged Christian hands today Sarah. You betcha!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Dumb, d-d-dum, dumb-Sarah Palin

Just because you have a mouth doesn't mean you need to use it Sarah. Just because you can get a reality show doesn't mean you should do it Sarah. Just because you can run for President doesn't mean you should Sarah. I think you get the point.

Please Sarah go away you are a total moron!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Sarah answers the complex questions

Can you imagine Sarah dealing with complex issues in the Whitehouse or anywhere else?

Chief of Staff "Sarah, what do you think we need to do to end the housing crisis?"

Sarah "I don't have a talking point for this question."

Chief of Staff "We have a looming threat from South Korea, how shall we handle this?"

Sarah "I am a Maverick, so let's start World War 3."

Chief of Staff "How do we deal with this economic meltdown?"

Sarah "We need to cut the earmarks"

These are probably not even stupid enough to be her real answers