Sarah the attack dog has gone on the attack again. She was questioning Obama this week about the budget and his alleged attempt to freeze military funding. Sarah said that Obama wants to make sure NPR doesn't lose funding, but that he is more than happy to use the military funding for his political gain. In fact, she called his handling of the situation, "appalling". You have no solutions idiot, so you should stop throwing rocks.
Sarah, you are a media whore and you want to simply say something controversial. The best thing that we could do as a country going forward would be to cut military spending. That is the fat that needs to be cut to get us back on track as well as raising taxes from 36% to 39% on the wealthiest. The moron's like Sarah want to focus on insignificant budget items like NPR and Planned Parenthood. Just because you keep talking Sarah, it doesn't mean it is going to become more intelligent.